And you should allow for a free-ranging investigation of common terms, such as that provided by a synonym ring. 并且应该允许对常用术语进行自由范围的调查,例如同义词环所提供的术语。
This article discusses common implementations for ring buffer and proposes some ideas for enabling a ring buffer mechanism in multi-threaded programs. 本文讨论了循环缓冲区的一些常见实现,并对多线程程序中循环缓冲区的启用机制提出了一些观点。
But what both prototypes have in common is that they will report the location of the ring at all times. 但是这两种样品有一个共同点,都能随时暴露戒指的所在地。
The key ring is a common key ring. 钥匙环为普通钥匙环。
Furthermore, the double seal of the fuse is formed in common by the'O'shaped sealing ring and an adhesives layer filled between the metal cap and the fuse tube. 此外,“O”型密封圈以及金属帽与熔管之间填设有粘合剂层共同形成了熔断器的双重密封。
Common topologies used to arrange computers in a network are point-to point, bus, star, and ring. 在同一个网络中用于分配计算机的通用的拓扑结构有点对点,总线结构,星型结构和环形结构。
Tom's words suddenly leaned down over gatsby. "certainly not for a common swindler who'd have to steal the ring he put on her finger." 汤姆突然对盖茨比破口大骂,“反正决不会为了一个鸟骗子离开我,一个给她套在手指上的戒指也得去偷来的鸟骗子。”
Common pheasant having bright plumage and a white neck ring. 普通的雉鸡,羽毛亮丽,颈部有白环。
The common ring whose diameter size cannot be adjusted is close, is represented by types only, and is not very convenient to use. 一般的戒指都是封闭的,其直径大小,都是固定不能调节的,只用型号来表示,使用起来不是很方便。
The trochlear nerve was closely attached to the lateral side of the common tendinous ring; 滑车神经紧贴Zinn腱环外侧人SOF;
An analysis was conducted of the common faults and their causes of the high pressure screw lock ring heat exchangers found in inspection and repair, and some solutions were proposed. 对螺纹锁紧环式换热器检修过程中常出现故障及原因进行了分析,并提出解决办法及建议。
10 cases of complete atrioventricular septal defect demonstrated mainly an absence of the cardiac crux and a common atrioventricular valve ring; 10例完全型表现为心脏十字交叉结构缺如和共同房室瓣环;
The purpose of this paper is to analyses the structure, working principle and common troubles of twin cone lock ring synchronizer and to study the control methods and trouble shooting ways. 对汽车锁环式双锥面同步器的结构、工作原理、常见故障类型进行分析研究,找出发生故障的原因,然后提出解决和控制的方法。
For common domestic network structures, including overhead lines, ring net cabinet and various switching stations and considering the distribution automation modes applied in different regions, the practical distribution automation schemes based on centralized intelligent mode is expounded. 文中针对中国配电网常见的网络结构(包括架空线路、环网柜及多种开闭所),结合不同地区配电网自动化的模式,详细阐述了基于集中智能模式的配电网自动化实用方案。
The least common multiple of several elements in a Euclidean ring 欧氏环中多个元素的最小公倍子
Using the Common O Type Rubber Ring in Super-pressure Sealing 普通O形圈在超高压密封中的应用
A united method for greatest common factor and least common multiple in euclidean ring 欧氏环中最大公因子与最小公倍子的统一求法
According to the shortcomings of common inertial gyro and the problems in laser ring gyro, as well as the advantages and applications of fiberoptic gyro in military and house services, the role of fiberoptic gyro in future inertial automatic navigation is described. 以传统的惯性陀螺的缺点和环形激光陀螺存在的问题,以及光纤陀螺的优点及其在军用和民用领域里的广阔的应用前景说明光纤陀螺在未来惯导技术中的地位。
Methods: Studing the antithrombotic function of Ozagrel Sodium by imitating the state of internal blood flow with thermometry via common carotid artery and rotary ring. 方法:颈总动脉温度测定法和体外旋转环内模拟体内血液流动状态,形成血栓测定法观察该药的抗血栓作用。
The synthesis, properties and application of planar binuclear phthalocyanine and its derivatives, in which two phthalocyanine units share a common benzene ring, are described. 主要阐述了平面共享一个苯环的双核酞菁的合成、性质及应用。
Measurement of Common Normal for Involute Helical Ring Gear 渐开线内斜齿轮公法线测量
This paper mainly discusses how to design a high stability current control power supply for laser gyro of double anodes and common cathode in North-Finder based on Ring Laser Gyroscope. 论文主要阐述了寻北仪中双阳极共阴极结构的激光陀螺高稳定度稳流电源的实现过程。
A united method for greatest common factor and least common multiple of two elements in Euclidean ring is given. 通过对欧氏环上矩阵的讨论,给出了欧氏环中两个元素的最大公因子与最小公倍子的统一求法。
The common faults such as rotor broken and end ring crack in squirrelcage asynchronous motor have been analyzed. 对鼠笼式异步电动机比较常见的转子断条、端环断裂故障进行了分析。
The superior ophthalmic vein passed through the narrow lateral sector of the superior orbital fissure by the outside of the common tendinous ring from the site between origins of the superior rectus muscle and lateral rectus muscle and drained into the cavernous sinus. 眼上静脉于上直肌和外直肌起点间经总腱环外面穿眶上裂外侧区注入海绵窦前下间隙,且与总腱环粘连紧密。
With the FEM simulation, the strain and stress of each node under different deformation stage are analyzed and the common forming law of this ring shell container is obtained. 采用有限元数值模拟对环壳零件成形过程中不同压下量下毛坯各节点的应力应变分布及变化规律进行了分析,获得了环壳零件冲压过程的成形规律。
Objective: To explore the feasibility of common bile duct exploration with primary suture, drainage of the cystic duct stump using self-made silicon ring fixation and early withdrawal of the drainage. 目的:探讨胆总管切口I期缝合、用自制硅橡胶环固定胆囊管引流和早期拔管的可行性。
The nerve entered into upper part of medial surface of lateral rectus 14.4 ± 2.9 mm anterior to common tendinous ring. 入眶后,在总腱环前方14.4±2.9mm处,从外直肌的内侧上半部入肌。
To supply power through hand-in-hand cable ring will become more common in urban power network. The design and its implementation of an intelligent RMU ( Ring Main Unit) with the functions of control, measuring and protection are presented. 电缆环网供电将成为城市电网发展的方向,提出了一种全新的智能型环网柜测控保护终端RMU(RingMainUnit)的设计思想和技术实现方案。